11:00am-9:30pm (10.5)
11:00pm-2:00am (3)
13.5 hours of Minecraft
Virtually virtual:
So through a series of events I made a friend that ran a village on this server I've been playing on. I helped him with some town renovations and he promoted me to the title of builder within his town. We decided to make a new town together. I was assuming he would be in charge and let him call the shots but he got off a good 5 hours before I did and under
my command the new town went from some cobble stone on the grou
nd to a legit town! Its so cool directing people and helping people and managing a town. It is a lot of work to though and can be frusterating. I am interested to see what my partner thinks of the product of my work. Also, I feel like I am in charge now, I have been for hours, which feels like weeks in the virtual world. So it will be interesting to see who really takes the throne when he comes back.
I'll put up some pictures of the old town, new town, and current progress.

The old village. My house and shop.

Villagers at work setting the foundation of our new town.

Got some houses and road up.
I was going to upload a picture of my house in the mountainside too but it was having problems. I'll do it in a later post.
Thoughtful gab:
WOW! A big day for me in Minecraft. Not only was this the most I have played in one day while writing this blog, but it is also the most I have played in one sitting. Yes my body hurts, and I am hungry, and I miss my wife. But I got a lot done and it was fun.