A look into the life and understanding of a gamer who has left his mother's basement

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Im back

So I am back

Long story short
I played a lot of Battlefield 3, got to rank 33, bumped the xbox while game was running and scratched the disk, now got back into minecraft, been playing a lot on legendary craft server and forum, trying to become a moderator on legendary craft, was invited to semi-open Old Republic beta which will happen sometime within the next two weeks.

Last night I went with a friend to the midnight release of Assassins creed revelations

My wife has really gotten into Soul Calibur 4 on 360
It is one of the only games she has more achievements than me

So I will try to update the blog more, get back into the habit.


9:30am-4:30pm (7)

7 hours of Minecraft

Virtually virtual:
Played a lot on the LC server and did things on the forum. Got to be very active to become a Mod. Gotta get noticed by the staff.
I built most of a tie fighter! Ill post a pic of it when it's complete