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Tree's, hill, water, dirt, animals, MINECRAFT! |
Free roaming/sandbox/survival game.
Minecraft is a world of blocks. You, a block man, start out in a vast and unknown world. You can dig with your hands which breaks material into collectible pieces. You can then place those pieces in an arrangement of your choosing to make a house or craft certain items like an ax, which would help you chop wood faster. With an endless world to explore, limitless creation possibility, and many many crafting combinations, Minecraft is addictive in its simplicity. There is survival mode, where at night, mobs (monsters) will spawn around the world and attack you. Creative mode allows you to fly and gives you unlimited access to resources so you may build without any hindrance. There are multiplayer servers that have economy, and towns, and loads of extras that single player doesn't have.
One thing about Minecraft is that it is always being updated. This means that every few months they come out with a new patch. Usually there are additions and changes that make the game more interesting. One great thing about Minecraft is that its always getting better!
On my Youtube, I have a series of informative videos for people new to Minecraft.
Here is the first one
Even though those videos cover all the basics, I will leave my outdated written tips here.
If it's your first night you are going to need 1 thing. Torches. But there's some steps to them.
1. get wood
-just go chop the nearest tree until you get about 7 wood
2. craft wooden planks
-place the wood in your crafting area, inside your inventory page, to make planks
3. craft sticks
-place one wood plank above another to craft sticks
4. craft a crafting table
-in your crafting area, place 4 wood planks, one in each square
5. craft an axe
-place your crafting table on the ground by right clicking where you want it (while it is in your hand), select your crafting table by right clicking on it. place three wood planks on the top/left/corner 3 squares and two sticks in the middle and bottom middle square to craft a pickax
6. chop more wood
-chop more wood! get a lot! like 20 pieces of wood at least
7. make a base
-dig out the side of a mountain or just underground. You will want to start this before its nighttime
8. make a furnace
-first make a pickax. The same way you made an axe, only the left middle plank will now be in the top/right/corner box. Use the pickax to get some stone in your new home. Use the cobblestone to make a furnace at your crafting table by make a box, leaving the center square empty
6. make charcoal
-coal can be found anywhere there is stone, but usually a few blocks below the surface. Coal looks like black spots in the stone, which is grey. But that is not always easy to find in a hurry. So select your furnace and place 1 wood in the bottom section (fuel) and the rest of your wood in the top. Once you have made 1 charcoal place that in the fuel section
7. craft a torch
-once you have charcoal, go into your crafting table and place a few sticks (stacked) below a few pieces of charcoal to craft torches. Now you can see!
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My first night base, carved into a hill. |
-Now that you are safe, really expand out and be creative. Try to figure out other crafting combinations or look them up online. Tired of your little hole in the mountain? Gather reasorces and go out and build a house, tower, or castle!
If this is not your first night then you should already know what you are doing.
-Personally I love exploring. I make a main base, then walk straight out one direction an use stone towers with blocks pointing out at the top to she me where my main base is. Then I explore further and if I look back I will be able to see my stone pillar and know how to get back home. Then when I get even further or I just find a cool place I build an outpost. Give it a bed and furnace and crafting table so I can rest here when I pass it again traveling.
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Don't just craft with wood, build! |
-Wood is underrated. You don't have to cut down to many trees to get A LOT of planks which have many uses. Using planks as building material is more effective than mining stone. Craft a stone or iron ax to speed up your wood chopping and always have some wood on hand just in case you run out of planks.
-Don't forget you have a personal crafting area. If you are exploring a cave and run out of torches, if you have the material, there is no need to run all the way back to your base, just make more torches on you!
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The sky's the limit! |