I find it funny that it just so happens that the day I play no Minecraft, it's an amazing day.
The wife and I decided that we needed a day together where she didn't read her books and I didn't play Minecraft. An us day. We had fun
which I don't want to brag so watching TNG and some Buffy the vampire slayer that she wanted me to see. We played some Soul Calibur 4
I won't :)
We did other married couple things ;) and cleaned the house and stuff.
Then had a awesome date night pick nick in a field.
I am currently listening to Nyan Cat.

I have actually been listening to this video for 1
hour, 37 min. I don't know why....
I didn't make this but kudos to the Minecraft-teer who did.
If that wasn't enough to make it a good day... Star Wars: The Old Republic came out with a release date!!!
Countdown will be on the side panel until release. ------->
Which brings me to my next topic. The pre-ordering.
SWTOR Pre-ordering and you:
If you plan on getting the game and have not pre-ordered yet, do it. Do it now. If you don't have money right now, do it through amazon.
Pre-ordering the game gets you
-a guaranteed spot in the servers which will be like a can of sardines
-early access which means you will be able to play a day to a week earlier than the actual release date. But depending on how fast you get the pre-order determines on when you will be invited to early release. So hurry and get it so you can play sooner!
-a color customizer for your weapon
There is also the epic bundle you can get and electronic version which both offer an more perks.
you can read that info here
Which store should you buy it from you ask? Best buy and gamestop are usually reliable. They are walk in's meaning you walk in to order it, and walk in to pick it up. This is good in the fact that it means as long as you are there and it is open on release day, you walk home with your copy. Now Iv'e never used Amazon to pre-order something before, but by culminating my knowledge of online shopping, my wife's Amazon pre-order experience, and things I've read online, I don't know when you get the game. Will they ship before the release date so you actually get it in the mail? Or will all the Amazon buyers be playing late because they had to wait for the shipping? Price is nice because Amazon does not charge you for a pre-order until it ships. So save the money now and make sure it will be in the account come December!
I chose Amazon because I was low on money at the time. The jury is still out on the shipping. Will I get it in the mail a few days early or late? Has the potential to be awesome or stupid.
As far as I understand it though, they give you a link to the game client so you can download it off of the net and play for early access so this is no problem. So it really comes down to:
Wait in long lines at a store (chance they run out?)
pay extra for asap shipping (chance it comes late?)
P.S. I made it to two hours of Nyan cat! Now I'll go to bed... if I can get the song out of my head...
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