A look into the life and understanding of a gamer who has left his mother's basement

Thursday, September 29, 2011

BF3 Beta: Results


Played Battlefield 3 beta, xbox, off and on over the past few days. One level, Metro, over and over again.

This picture is not me but found on the net.

When the game first started I wasn't feeling it. The sensitivity seemed weird and I felt like the game was a clone of Battlefield bad company. After I played more my opinion changed.

I have not played the PC version yet, not by choice, so I can't compare it, but the graphics are great. One of the best I've seen on the Xbox 360. But it's still a console game and you can tell. The lights can be better and the crisps can be crisper. This is only one representation of the game, but graphics wise, I never got the awe factor. (When you step back for a second and sit in awe over some kind of amazing background animation or from how the sunlight pours through a crack in the wall.) There are some nicely animated scenes, but no awe... yet.

Two things that stood out to me was the destructibility and how the soldiers run.

Battlefield bad company started the whole, destruction of the map aspect of the game series with the frostbite engine. Destroying a building an enemy is in or some cover he is behind is awesome. In bad company two, the destruction was cool but not great. You would shoot a wall and it would break in a specific spot and radius, an obvious predetermined chunk of the wall that could be broken. It was good, just still video game programmed destruction, and you could feel it.
Battlefield 3 has the new frostbite 2 engine which is supposed to raise the bar with the destruction of the map. I noticed next to no destruction for most of my game time. There were wooden areas you were meant to destroy to get through and some cover by the objectives that was destroyed, but it wasn't anything to mention. I was actually somewhat disappointed. Either because I wasn't using explosives, nobody was due to no vehicles, or the frostbite two engine was a flop. There just wasn't much destruction. But wait, let me set up this story.
There is an building on the last objective area on the map where you can go upstairs and shoot from some windows. I went up there multiple times, it was always the same, and I got the cover and sight I wanted from the windows every time. Sometimes there would be small chunks out of the walls, obviously their attempt at destructibility, I thought. Later, I was running up the stairs so I could get the vantage point, but where my previously reliable windows used to be, the wall was no more. The wall and windows were all gone and not in predetermined sections. The wall was torn very unevenly and devastatingly. This sight produced two emotions, admiration, enter the slow clap, good job DICE; and shock. Shock from the unexpected awesomeness of the games destruction capabilities, and shock because my once reliable area was now a pile of rubble, bringing me to realize nowhere was really safe in this game, a kind of of new and scary feeling.
In video games you create rules in your mind without thinking about it, and one rule I had was that I could rely on that area and that the destruction of it, and anything, was minimal. Iv'e seen what is possible now, my rules were crushed along with my vantage point.
For instance there is an objective in that same area where you typically destroy the boarded up windows to get inside. That isn't necessary though. The more difficult, and sneakier way, would be to find the other side of the inside wall, blow it up, and enter through the inside. Something my internal rules assumed was not possible before, but now assume the contrary.

I like watching the soldiers run. It's like how the zombies run on Left for dead. They aren't stiff like stiff like boards but they lean into the direction they turn. On that note, I love running too. It almost feels like I am free running. I can feel so BAMF when I'm sprinting towards the bomb to defuse it, use one hand to vault myself over a short wall, shoot a guy waiting on the other side, and defuse the bomb. It all happens so fast and smoothly.

Whats to come:
Considering I only played operation Metro, on rush mode, over and over and over again, enough to get to (at this moment) level 13, they must be doing something right. Usually playing the same level more than twice in a row gets boring but.. it didn't. One reason is because the level is like two levels. You start outside in a large park and move into a long subway tunnel. If this one level on this one mode is this alluring, the full release with multiple game modes and multiple maps will be epic.

Metro doesn't have any vehicles. One of the things that sets Battlefield apart from other games are the vehicles. But playing Metro so much I forgot the game usually had them, and I was happy playing with just infantry. When I play a map with them in the full release will be an entirely new element from the beta, a pleasant surprise.

The game had its share of glitches:
  • People flying abnormally far when killed
  • Sound getting stuck on one loop
  • Sound getting really quiet
  • Bullet trails lingering in air
  • Gun not doing the reload animation sometimes
But I'm sure these will all be fixed by release.

PC vs Xbox? I don't know honestly. I've decided to go with the Xbox because I am enjoying the game on it and my friends are on Xbox. Could the PC version be better? Yes, but ignorance is bliss. :)

Overall though I think this game will rock. Anyone intrigued by FPS should get it.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Beta night


12:30-2:30 (2)

5:00-6:00 (1)

6:30-7:30 (1)

4 hours of Minecraft

I was just watching Regular Show until midnight so I could play the Battlefield 3 beta. It didn't show up for download so I went to bed.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Can gamers be parents?


10:00-2:00 (4)

3:30-5:30 (2)

6 hours of Minecraft

Thoughtful gab:
I'm really not feeling it today. Played alot of Minecraft but got really bored of it. Now I'm just waiting for 1.9 to come out, or Battlefield 3. Whichever comes first.

Can a gamer be a parent? Can he work, care for his kids and wife and play video games well enough to get better and feel immersed in the world? Can he still be a hardcore gamer?
My wife and I were talking about how much time I spend playing video games. Mostly about how might I plan on playing once we have children. I learned of a couple where the husband likes to play StarCraft 2. His wife talked him into only playing it one night a week!! One night?! How can you get anything done with 4 hours a week accomplish anything? In Minecraft it would take you a month just to build a simple project. How does he better himself in StarCraft with that play-rate? By the time he has honed his skills the next game would come out! It's just hard to imagine so little game time. I accept that my game time will decrease dramatically when I have kids, but I don't plan on accepting one night a week willingly.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Creative mode

did a few hours of internet browsing this morning. Mostly youtube videos


6:00-6:30 (.5)

9:30-1:00 (3.5)

4 hours of Minecraft

Virtually virtual:
For the first time I am trying creative mode on Minecraft 1.8.
It's fun I guess. I certainly am feeling like Minec
raft is loosing its luster. When the 1.9 update comes out I will start a new survival server. That should be fun again.
My plan in creative mode is to build a Fortress as a main point, then have branching off track that leads to a testing facility and a village, that I will both make. Here are the beginnings of the fortress.

I have stayed away from creative mode until now is because I like the challenge of survival. I like having to mine for resources and facing mortality. Building an epic structure in survival mode is just that much more epic because Minecraft players know how much more difficult it would have been to make it. Creative mode is fun if you want to build something on a large scale or test something out. Which I will be doing both. I'm making a civilized world, with buildings and intricate tracks, but one of the stops is a testing area where I will be testing a lot of redstone contraptions.
I'm getting bored of 1.8 survival and will probably get back into it with 1.9
I will actually probably make a new survival server with ever major update.

Thoughtful gab:
I've noticed that when playing with my friends, we play very differently. I love survival. I like making it realistic and making it feel like I am in this world trying to survive and making it for myself in my own frontier.
Whereas my friend Jake is very different. He likes building. I like building too and later in the game I will build more and more intricate structures. But almost right off the bat Jake is building. He doesn't care about utilizing redstone, minecarts, or ever pressure plates to make his "survival" easier. He just builds. He builds creative towers and smiles out of cotton and floating islands in the sky.
For instance, my friend Austin plays a lot like me, and all three of us were playing my server.
Austin and I made a simple bedroom and put signs by our doors saying who's room it was. Jake did not care to indicate his room with a sign, and he spent a lot more time expanding his room.

-Austin and I make a quick and essential room to upgrade later, once we have gotten other things to make life easier.
-Jake skips that step and starts upgrading.

-We mine to get better pickaxes to mine faster to get a bigger stash of stone when building, meaning less trips back to mine. We also start a farm to obtain a food supply and explore.
-Jake makes due with the stone and Iron pickax, gets stone, and starts building, often having to ask us for food and does little to no exploring.

Just interesting. I wonder how other people differ and what their play style is.
Survival VS Creative

I will make a poll and post the results in a week. Please vote :D
Remember, this doesn't mean which mode do you like better but what playstyle you tend to use in survival mode.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

BF3: PC vs Xbox

Soul Calibur 4


Virtually virtual:
Battlefield 3 is coming out soon. It will be a good thing to get my mind off of Old Republic. My problem is that I am still undecided on whether I should get it for xbox or PC. Here are some personal comparisons.

-possibly bigger servers
-better lighting, graphics, ect..
-better effects, added detail?
-mouse precision

-More comfortable on couch
-Have a friend or two that would play with me

I want PC mainly because I am excited that I have a top of line gaming computer and I want to utilize it. Battlefield 3 is supposed to be cutting edge in the fields of graphics, beauty. I want my breath to be taken away with the stunning visuals that only a computer can offer.

This is my reasoning behind even considering xbox.

2 months after this comes out I will drop it like a bad habit and dedicate my time to Old Republic. I'm sure I will occasionally play BF3, just for a change of game though. If I get it on PC this means I will be sitting in the bedroom, on my not so comfortable office chair, on the computer for hours playing Old Republic, then what if I want to play BF3? I stay on the computer and do it some more. But if I get it on xbox it will be a nice change of location and comfortableness to be on the couch in the living room.

Battlefield, unlike call of duty, is best playing with a team. I like having people I know instead of random noobs being on my team, and I have more confirmed friends getting it for xbox.

I am really torn between which platform to play it on. Either way I will regret not choosing the other. I am really excited to play the xbox beta on the 29th of this month. The beta will give me a chance to see for myself how the xbox handles the game play and graphics, hopefully giving me enough opinion on it to make a decision so I can pre-order.

Thoughtful gab:
I was talking to my wife about buying Battlefield 3, Old Republic, and a new computer monitor (around $300 total) which are all non essential items. She was kind of frustrated that I get to spend all this money for myself, where she works more than I do and she doesn't spend as much as I do.

This is an interesting dilemma.
Living in this apartment has been the first time I have been away from my parents house. I am used to spending 80% of my money on every check I got on games and silly things. Now, I've been spending a lot more on bills but a part of me still tries to get those fun things when I probably shouldn't. I think we can handle getting those 3 things over the coarse of the rest of this year but that is not the problem. The problem is that my wife feels like she doesn't get to buy anything for herself because all the extra spending funds go to my expenditures. This is actually mostly true, only for the reason that she just doesn't have many expensive things to buy. She buys books now and again but they are cheap. Otherwise she is happy on the internet and playing my games. It's not the same with a gamer. Games are expensive and the hardware to play them even more so.
Lets just not count the numbers here, but measure how happy we are. My wife is happy getting her few books a month, and I am happy buying games. We spend different amounts but achieve the same level of contentment.

So I say to her, you don't need to spend as much money as I do, as long as you are happy. If you want to spend more, lets talk about it, I can wait longer to get a computer monitor :)

Old Republic and Nyan cat

I find it funny that it just so happens that the day I play no Minecraft, it's an amazing day.

The wife and I decided that we needed a day together where she didn't read her books and I didn't play Minecraft. An us day. We had fun

which I don't want to brag so watching TNG and some Buffy the vampire slayer that she wanted me to see. We played some Soul Calibur 4

I won't :)
We did other married couple things ;) and cleaned the house and stuff.

Then had a awesome date night pick nick in a field.

I am currently listening to Nyan Cat.

I have actually been listening to this video for 1
hour, 37 min. I don't know why....

My wife made me turn down Nyan cat at 1 hour, 12 min :(

I didn't make this but kudos to the Minecraft-teer who did.

If that wasn't enough to make it a good day... Star Wars: The Old Republic came out with a release date!!!

Countdown will be on the side panel until release. ------->
Which brings me to my next topic. The pre-ordering.

SWTOR Pre-ordering and you:
If you plan on getting the game and have not pre-ordered yet, do it. Do it now. If you don't have money right now, do it through amazon.

Pre-ordering the game gets you
-a guaranteed spot in the servers which will be like a can of sardines
-early access which means you will be able to play a day to a week earlier than the actual release date. But depending on how fast you get the pre-order determines on when you will be invited to early release. So hurry and get it so you can play sooner!
-a color customizer for your weapon

There is also the epic bundle you can get and electronic version which both offer an more perks.
you can read that info here

Which store should you buy it from you ask? Best buy and gamestop are usually reliable. They are walk in's meaning you walk in to order it, and walk in to pick it up. This is good in the fact that it means as long as you are there and it is open on release day, you walk home with your copy. Now Iv'e never used Amazon to pre-order something before, but by culminating my knowledge of online shopping, my wife's Amazon pre-order experience, and things I've read online, I don't know when you get the game. Will they ship before the release date so you actually get it in the mail? Or will all the Amazon buyers be playing late because they had to wait for the shipping? Price is nice because Amazon does not charge you for a pre-order until it ships. So save the money now and make sure it will be in the account come December!
I chose Amazon because I was low on money at the time. The jury is still out on the shipping. Will I get it in the mail a few days early or late? Has the potential to be awesome or stupid.
As far as I understand it though, they give you a link to the game client so you can download it off of the net and play for early access so this is no problem. So it really comes down to:

Wait in long lines at a store (chance they run out?)
pay extra for asap shipping (chance it comes late?)

P.S. I made it to two hours of Nyan cat! Now I'll go to bed... if I can get the song out of my head...