A look into the life and understanding of a gamer who has left his mother's basement

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dead Island review, MC poll results


10:00-11:00 (1)
dead island

1:00-3:00 (2)
dead island

6:00-9:00 (3)
dead island

6 hours of Dead Island

Virtually virtual:
Dead Island (on xbox 360) feels a lot like Fallout 3 but just zombies. You run around completing quests for people in a large free roam environment. Awesome graphics. I love the animations and how the zombies act and feel in the game. The combat is decent too, although you just mash the right trigger, it can be really awesome swinging a nailed baseball bat around in a fluid of cool moves. Unlike other games its not just the same swing over and over. As you continue swining the character goes from different, natural, angles, also depending on where on the zombie you are aiming.

Sometimes a small hoard of zombies rush your from essentially nowhere which is always intence, an awesome aspect.

All is not cookies and rainbows for this game though. I don't like how your stats are presented, or should I say I don't like the lack thereof. There is no simple/fast way to see your stats and notice your progress, sometimes your get xp without even realizing it and you seem to randomly level up. This doesn't keep me invested in doing quests for xp because its an next to invisible aspect of the game.

The map doesn't feel that big for what Iv'e seen so far. I havn't played the whole things and an area outside of my current map may be unlocked. But the map that you start with is not very big for a free roam game.

Things are confusing. There were next to no tutorials and I had to clumsily figure things out on my own. So an inexsperianced gamer would likely have a lot of trouble picking up this game.
There are a lot of issues I have with it so far that are really disappointing. I won't count it out quite yet and keep playing in hopes for improvement.

Thoughtful gab:
The Minecraft play style poll results are in. Not very many people did the poll but going off the results I did receive...

60% said they play both. Meaning they switch between playing creatively and surviving, or they meld them into one.

40% said they mostly play survival. Meaning they not only play the actual game mode, survival, but once in game they treat it like they are trying to survive. Typically you build a small base, gather basic resources, mine, explore, expand base, explore, expand territory by building other bases, mine, build big base or city and then enjoy it and start a new game.

Since the two highest voted play styles both have survival-style in them, the survival aspect seems to be the more popular in the game. The fact that you are thrust into a uncivilized world that you are forced to survive in, not only survive but thrive and build up your own utopia from nothing, is what makes Minecraft so gosh darn awesome.
Although I did not vote, I would fall into the 40%.

1 comment:

  1. Dead Island is a series of Maps. It has more than 1 and each map varies in size. But nonetheless I told you that you would like it.
